Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of Juwarki Kapu-Lug Limited will be held at Juwarki, 229-231 Alma Street, Rockhampton on Monday the 18th of November 2024 at 10.00am for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the company’s Annual Report.

By order of the Board.

Digital Privacy – Mozilla’s first-ever Annual Consumer Creep-O-Meter

No matter how many or how few “connected” devices we have (and with Holidays looming, potentially adding more devices to our personal items), Digital and Online Privacy is becoming something everyone should consider.

Mozilla Foundation, have published their first ever “Annual Consumer Creep-O-Meter“, which has a creepiness rating (spoiler below) for the internet as it stands in 2023, along with a quiz to determine your own Online Privacy footprint. Take the Quiz HERE

Take the Quiz