20 Years of dedicated service

Congratulations to our CEO, Sharona Kemp, on 20 years of dedicated service to Juwarki Kapu-Lug Limited!

Being a leader is tough. You’re mostly never off-the-clock. The extra responsibilities and worries need to be carried. You need to have a finger-on-the-pulse of all parts of an Org’s operation – in the present, while keeping a watchful eye on how best to keep everything moving into the future. All this (and more) while being a Yunghar (Mother), Didinai (Daughter), Bibiyan (Aunty) and Oothung (Sister, Cousin, Friend). As the years of ongoing service to Juwarki Kapu-Lug, it’s Board of Directors, peer Organisations and our Community have shown, this has been taken in your stride!

From your Juwarki Mob, thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to do for us, our Clients and the wider Community.  

Film – Incarceration Nation

Incarceration Nation lays bare the story of the continued systemic injustice and oppression of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on their own land, told by Indigenous Australians. It’s the beginning of a journey to create conversations and change.

src – https://incarcerationnation.com.au/take-action/about-the-campaign/

How to see the full film – guidance HERE

Help spread the word – Social Network sharing guidance HERE