Suicide prevention workshops coming to Woorabinda and Rockhampton Nov/Dec 2022

Information on upcoming courses from LivingWorks, I-ASIST & safeYARN (Link)

Indigenous Suicide Intervention Skills Training

Based on the world’s leading suicide intervention training ASIST, I-ASIST was co-designed with Indigenous leadership and consultation to develop suicide intervention training specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Participants in this 2 day face-to-face workshop learn an evidence-based suicide intervention model to intervene and help prevent the immediate risk of suicide. SafeYARN is a 4 hour training based on the SafeTALK model, to provide skills in Suicide Alertness to Indigenous Communities.

I-ASIST is for Indigenous workforces, people who work with Indigenous communities, as well as schools, community groups, and sports clubs. Virtually anyone age 16 or older, regardless of prior experience or training, can become an I-ASIST trained helper. Launched in 2021 by the Federal Minister for Indigenous Australians, The Hon Ken Wyatt, I-ASIST has been led and robustly evaluated by the University of Queensland under the leadership of proud Euralie and Kooma woman, Professor Maree Toombs.

During the two-day interactive workshop, participants learn a 6-task suicide first-aid model through powerful audio visual learning aids, group yarns, skills practice and development through trainer-facilitated workgroups.

Participants in I-ASIST:

  • Learn the skills to provide a suicide first-aid intervention
  • Work to develop a personalised safety plan for someone with thoughts of suicide to keep “safe-for-now”
  • Connect the person with thoughts of suicide to further help
  • Acquire skills in a evidence-based intervention model, with the assistance of two LivingWorks registered I-ASIST trainers

Rockhampton – SafeYARN 02 December 2022 10am – 3pm (PDF – with further information)

Woorabinda – I-ASSIST 29 & 30 November 2022 9am – 5pm (PDF – with further information)

Woorabinda – SafeYARN 01 December 2022 10am – 3pm (PDF – with further information)

Mental Health – Food and Mood

Mental health conditions are very prevalent. Statistics indicate 50% of Australians will experience a mental health issue sometime in their lifetime, so there is a very big chance you or someone you know will or have experienced this, for example families, peers, work colleagues, friends. Mental health conditions are prevalent across the lifespan from children, adolescents, young adults, older adults. It is important to acknowledge the wide diversity of conditions that constitutes mental health conditions, commonly people think of depression and anxiety likely because they are some of the most common but it also includes includes eating disorders, severe mental illness such as Schizophrenia and psychosis, post traumatic stress disorder. Often these conditions cluster together both with other mental health conditions but also other common health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic pain and many more. Mental health influences dietary intake and behaviours AND dietary intake and eating behaviours mental health….. so where ever someone is, its always important to eat well or as best you can.

from “How To Feel Fab With Mood Foods”

Download the eBook here

The eBook is a collaboration from